Random ideas and twisting thoughts

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Interesting factoid: Over 50% of NASA employees are dyslexic. They are deliberately sought after because they have superb problem solving skills and excellent 3D and spatial awareness.

The first dyslexic jokes that I can remember hearing are:
A dyslexic walks into a bra...
Dyslexics of the World UNTIE!

Why is it that some groups can laugh at their own problems while others can't? Someone with cerebral palsy is probably some sort of comedian. Dyslexic? Sure. Vision problems? Maybe a few.

Why is that? Why do some groups have a better sense of humor about it?

Everyone has something that they need to overcome. If you can laugh at it, it is a challenge. If you can't laugh, then you make it into a problem, not a challenge. I would rather have a challenge than a problem.

Interesting factoid: A higher percentage of cancer survivors are ones who kept a sense of humor. They kept faith that they could overcome their challenge.

Betty Cea, a lymphoma patient, wrote: "My hair left, my dysfunctional family whom I love very much stayed, and the cancer has come back. I might as well laugh while I fight . . . cancer hates a sense of humor . . ."

Research shows that patients with cancer who continue to laugh have lower stress levels, and a higher ratio of survivors.

Cancer folks. Cancer. There is not much worse out there. Patients who have this dread disease can laugh at it, and survive. What excuse is there for all of us, who want to survive and overcome the obstacles we have, for not having laughter in our lives?